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Go Vegan Save The Planet

Environmental benefits of veganism

Question I get all the time, "Why'd you go vegan"?

I'd say for the animals for sure, but in a bigger picture there aren’t going to be any animals or any form of life if what?


Hard to believe maybe, but going vegan is SAVING THE PLANET.

I’m just going to throw some facts out in this blog because when I found all this out I was shook. Anyway, each day, a person who eats a vegan diet saves:

  • 1,100 gallons of water

  • 45 pounds of grain

  • 30 sq ft of forest

  • 20 lbs CO2 equivalent

  • One animal

And all that is just one person and IN ONE DAY.

If you haven’t watched Cowspiracy, you should, but if you haven’t, here are some facts they mention that are shocking, to me at least.

“A person who follows a vegan diet produces 50% less CO2 than someone who doesn’t”, crazy I know.

“2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef”, we have that much water for ONE POUND of meat but there’s third world countries without any water?

“Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction” so we don’t love mother nature is what i’m hearing.

“Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction.”, BIG SAD FACE!

“82% of starving children live in countries where food is fed to animals, and the animals are eaten by western countries.”, this one is wild, we have people out here not feeding kids but instead feeding the animals to get them fat only to kill them and then not even to feed the starving kids.

Ok, moving on from all this overwhelming information, we can absolutely 100% live more sustainably. I think a lot of people have this thought that, "well you’re just one person and if you don’t eat it someone else will." However, one less person buying animal products is one less person contributing to animal cruelty and environmental destruction, like I said earlier one person saves a lot in just one day, also, the vegan community is growing it isn't just one person! These are just some things to consider and facts that I wish someone had told me a long time ago. Try meatless Mondays! Try sharing some of this info and educate other! Try going a couple days a week without animal products!

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