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Questions a New Vegan Might Have

What do you eat?

Eat everything you ate before you went vegan, but now eat the vegan version! It makes transitioning easier and more likely you will stay vegan longer if you are enjoying the food!

How do I know if somethings vegan?

At the bottom of the ingredients list there should be in BOLD: CONTAINS: Wheat, Soy, Milk, Eggs, Peanuts.. or whatever it has in it. It’s for people with allergies but it’s super helpful to quickly decide if something vegan. I would still recommend double checking the full ingredients list after that but it’s nice to see quickly if there’s animal products in it.

Another thing you could do is download the app Is It Vegan? It lets you scan a product and will tell you if somethings vegan or not and if it’s not, it shows you the ingredients that make it not vegan. It’s really helpful for new and old vegans!

Should I throw out all my non vegan products?

I think this is more a personal preference but for me personally, when I first went vegan, I threw out all my non vegan food items because I couldn’t eat them anymore, but I kept my nonvegan makeup, skin care, and other beauty and household products. Once I went threw all of my nonvegan ones, I bought cruelty free and vegan products to replace them. Do whatever feels right to you! I understand it may seem overwhelming at first, but you are already doing MORE than what most people do. Don’t stress so much about it!

How do I know if something is cruelty free?

Google is your friend, people! I still use google to help me when I’m at the store looking for vegan and cruelty free products in a pinch and I’ve been vegan for almost three is another website I use frequently. They keep an updated list of all vegan and cruelty free beauty products on their blog. I have their site bookmarked on my phone and my computer.

FYI: Trader Joe’s beauty and household products are cruelty free and very inexpensive!

If you have anymore questions about veganism or something related to veganism then leave a comment and I’ll answer back ASAP!



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