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A Beginners Guide To Veganism

So you've decided you want to become a vegan but now you're thinking how do you do it and where do you start? Well here's a little info to help with the transition!

For those of you who aren't really sure on what it is. Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals, that be for food, clothing, or any other purpose.

In dietary terms, you cut out any animal produce, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and their derivatives.

Now on to my tips!


Before you can really start to transition you have to know what you're getting yourself into and start getting familiar with the lifestyle in order to succeed!

  • READ AND WATCH. Read a ton of vegan cook books, blogs and articles and watch as many documentaries as you can to educate yourself and learn the benefits behind the lifestyle. A few documentaries I'd recommend are: Food Inc., Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives, ect.

  • Educating yourself on the cruelty and costs of animal agriculture could help you find your personal reason for being vegan and it'll help keep you motivated.

  • Start reading ingredients on products at grocery stores and start researching vegan food places near you. Google is always a great source but there's also an app called "Happy Cow" which is a vegan friendly restaurant guide!


A phrase a lot of vegans use to stay motivated and keep a positve attitude on their food diet!

It's the most important thing about transitioning. Most people tend to lose weight when they first go vegan but almost always because they have no idea what to eat, they've just cut out so much food and don't know what to replace it with and eventually give up.

If someone were to tell you to go to the store and not buy eggs or milk or basically everything you've always bought you'd feel like you can't do it, but if someone told you that you could buy quinoa, kale, spinach, bananas, tomatoes, mushrooms, tofu, coconut milk, non-dairy

cheese, non-dairy icecream, almonds, berries, and so much more you’d have a better attitude and have a much better idea of what to shop for.

  • Add to your diet before you subtract from it.

  • Start experimenting with vegan recipes that satisfy you.

  • Focus on veggies and fruits!

  • Start incorporating whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu and alternatives.

  • Don't worry about not getting enough protein there is plenty of protein in everything I just listed and even more in other vegan foods.


There's a big difference between going vegan and going on a diet. It's easy to cheat a diet but it's different with veganism. When you know exactly why you want to be a vegan you remember that reason and realize it's a lifestyle not a diet. Which is why it's important to learn the effects animal products have on our health, environment, and humanity.

  • Think of all the tasty vegan foods you haven't tried.

  • Keep your end goal in mind but go at your own pace.

  • Take it day by day and be excited about the changes you're making!

  • Remeber it doesn't have to be stressful or hard to eat a vegan diet, you're trying a bunch of new foods and some of what you used to eat is probably vegan too or can be made vegan!

To me going vegan was the most beneficial choice I ever made, it means compassion for all living things, caring for my health and loving the environment. I hope you decide to give it a try! Think of this post as just a very brief intro to veganism stick around for more in depth daily blog posts like Q&A's, Grocery Lists, What I Eat In A Day As A Vegan, Vegan recipes and more from me and my vegan pals!

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