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Baby Steps to Veganism

Are you interested in veganism but hesitant to give it a chance? Don't know

where to begin or are feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry! Veganism takes time but there are things you can do in the meantime to help you transition! This is just a guide to help dip your toes into the pool of veganism. My future posts will be dedicated to expanding on some of the bullets listed. However, until those are posted, I encourage you to take matters into your own hands and see if you can try some of these ideas out. Feel free to ask me about any questions or for help. ♡, Kellie

---- GET EDUCATED ----

Find what makes you excited to transition to a vegan lifestyle. Is it for your health? The animals? The environment? Whatever your initial reason may be, use that as your starting point. It's easier to go vegan when you have facts that support your reasoning for your

  • WATCH documentaries (or read articles, books, etc.) to gain knowledge on veganism. (Tip: On Netflix, search "vegan" and you will come across a whole array of documentaries.)

  • READ nutrition labels and ingredient lists on your food. It's important to know what you're consuming.

  • RESEARCH which foods are high in vitamins, minerals, protein, cholesterol, etc. When you begin to make the connection that the food you eat is the energy you have, you can opt to find alternatives more easily.

  • CONTINUE to learn. No one learns everything at once, and it's hard to retain all the information at once. If you keep engaging in research, it will help you remain motivated to follow through with veganism.

  • LOOK at the bigger picture beyond yourself. The animal agriculture industry has many negative effects that often go unnoticed because people don't think one person can make a difference with their choices.

---- CUT BACK ----

Typically, this tends to be one of the hardest parts for most people. I mean, so many of us were raised and accustomed to consuming meat and dairy. It's hard to imagine switching your diet over so drastically, but it can be done! It's okay if it takes time, it doesn't have to be instantaneous. Little things can go a long way and eventually prompt you to implement other changes as well.

  • REPLACE your cow's milk with a plant-based alternative (soy, almond, coconut, many others!)

  • PARTICIPATE in Meatless Mondays! Setting aside one day of meat-free meals can allow you to slowly get used to the fact that you don't need to consume animals or animal by-products to live.

  • RECREATE your favorite meals in a meat-less fashion! Love burritos? Opt for beans instead of chicken! Love burgers? Try buying or creating homemade veggie burgers!

  • CHOOSE the vegan or meatless option on the menu when ordering out! This not only gets you used to picking meals without meat, but it also shows companies the demand for meatless meals is there!

  • SWITCH your makeup, beauty, and household products to a cruelty-free/vegan option. Remember veganism is about helping animals, and many suffer at the expense of the products used on a daily basis. There are a lot of CF/V brands available that are in the same price range, and work just as well as the ones you're probably familiar with! (Check out


Veganism is a drastic change in your life, and it is perfectly okay if it takes time to transition fully. It is better that you take your time with it rather than jumping in blindly. With the proper research and food choices, you will be on a wonderful and fulfilling path of veganism.

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